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Ad Hoc Committee on Research Scientist Titles (Fall 2017 – Spring 2018)
This committee was formed by ASEC to update documented titling practices (not working titles) of research scientists at other peer universities. The committee presented a report on their findings in spring of 2018 to the Academic Staff Assembly. The Assembly endorsed this committee’s recommendations regarding UW-Madison research titles in March of 2018. (Co-Chairs – Shane Hubbard and Megan Spurgeon)
Ad Hoc Committee on Title and Total Compensation Academic Staff Communications (Spring 2017 – Present)
This committee was formed by ASEC to advise the academic staff appointees to the Campus Collaboration Committee for the Title and Total Compensation Study. Members will provide expedient feedback regarding communication and implementation strategies as well as devise innovative ways to engage the campus community and the Mercer consultants. The committee will consist of academic staff members from across campus in different job categories. The committee will meet regularly (likely monthly) during the approximately two-year period of the TTC project. (Co-Chairs – Ron Harris and Heather Mc Fadden)
Ad Hoc Committee on Category B Academic Staff Salary Compression (Spring 2016 – Spring 2017)
This committee was formed by ASEC to work with the Office of Human Resources to gather and analyze information on compression of academic staff salaries within Category B. The committee presented a report of its findings to the Academic Staff Assembly in April 2017. The Assembly endorsed the committee’s recommendations in May 2017. (Co-Chairs – Ilia Guzei and Jeannine Nicolai-Heckmann)
Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Degree Requirements (Spring 2016 – Spring 2017)
This committee was formed by ASEC to examine issues surrounding requirements in the new Human Resources system that all academic staff positions require at least a baccalaureate degree. At the May 2017 Academic Staff Assembly meeting, the committee presented its report, and its recommendations were approved by the Assembly. (Co-Chairs – Mara Eisch and Mary Thompson)
Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Assembly Engagement (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)
This committee was formed by the Academic Staff Assembly for the purposes of coming up with ways to improve engagement of Assembly representatives. The scope of the committee was to examine ways to improve engagement primarily in, but not necessarily limited to, assembly meetings. The committee’s recommendations, which were approved by the Assembly in May 2016, can be found here, and the committee’s full report can be found here. (Co-Chairs – Tim Markle & Brady Minter)
Ad Hoc Committee on Selection of Committee Appointments/Nominations by ASEC (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)
This committee was created to develop rubric/criteria/guidelines to be used in the selection of academic staff for committee services using the results of the Academic Staff Governance Priorities Survey as a guide. It was also charged to develop verbiage around the rubric/criteria/guidelines that can be used when soliciting nominations for service. The committee’s report can be found here. (Chair – Jim Rogers)
Ad Hoc Committee on Titling and Compensation (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)
This committee will review and modify the list of titling and compensation issues identified in Academic Staff Assembly Document #468. Using this list of issues, the committee prepared a list of recommendations to address the most pressing issues for the Academic Staff Assembly to approve at their April 11, 2016, meeting. The full report can be found here, and a list of the recommendations can be found here. These recommendations will be forwarded to the yet-to-be-hired firm that will conduct the UW System and UW-Madison titling study. (Co-Chairs: Russell Dimond & Carol Van Hulle)
Ad Hoc Committee on FPP Chapter 6 Changes (Summer 2015 – Fall 2015)
This committee was created to review proposed changes to Chapter 6 of Faculty Policies and Procedures. The committee then provided recommendations regarding the changes in the form of a report to ASEC. The report can be found here. (Chair – Sarah Kuba)
Ad Hoc Committee on Instructional Titles (Spring 2015 – Spring 2016)
This committee was created to review titling practices of instructional staff at peer universities and, based on current practices, made recommendations regarding UW-Madison instructional titles. The report of this committee can be found here. (Chair – Mark Connolly)
Ad Hoc Committee on Bridge Funding (Spring 2014 – Fall 2014)
This committee was created to review peer institution policies and develop documentation and rationale for creating a bridge funding program that addresses the need for salary and fringe benefit support for academic staff that experience a temporary loss in external (sponsored) funding. The report of this committee can be found here. (Chair – Toni Ziegler)
Ad Hoc Committee for Multiple Roles (Fall 2012 – Fall 2013)
This committee was created to develop documentation and rationale for utilizing academic staff to serve in multiple roles including the combination of instructional and research roles. The committee disbanded due to developments in this area that were facilitated between the Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) and the University Committee. (Co-Chairs – Robert Newsom & Bill Tishler)
Ad Hoc Committee on HR Design (Fall 2012 – Spring 2014)
This committee performed a thorough review of the HR Design proposal when it is released on September 21, 2012. The committee’s review included determining any potential impact on or conflict with ASPP, and any foreseeable future negative impacts or areas of concern for the academic staff as a whole. (Co-Chairs – Heather Daniels & Robert Newsom)
Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Issues, Policies and Strategies (Spring 2011 – Fall 2013)
This Ad Hoc Committee was tasked with advising the Vice Chancellor of Administration, Provost, Chancellor and others on matters related to budget issues. A major product of the committee was a report evaluating the CCF exercise . This report was endorsed by the Academic Staff Assembly and many of its key recommendations were integrated into the 2013-2014 CCF exercise. (Co-Chairs – Dang Chonwerawong, Russell Dimond & Jim Steele)
Ad Hoc Committee – Impact of Budget Repair Bill (July 2011 – December 2012)
The Ad Hoc Committee on the Impact of the Budget Bill explored and designed a survey to collect qualitative and quantitative data on the impact of the budget bill on the academic staff. In particular, the data focused on the economic impact of increased health insurance premiums and the increase in require retirement contributions and any other policies that have an economic impact on academic staff. The committee reported regularly to ASEC on its progress and any important milestones in its work and presented the final report to the Assembly. (Co-Chairs – Jan Cheetham & Sonya Sedivy)
Ad Hoc Orientation Materials Task Force Committee (May 2010 – August 2012)
This committee reviewed the current orientation materials and identified which materials best help orient new academic staff employees to academic staff governance and the roles of academic staff in the university community. The committee produced an orientation booklet that will be adapted for use in the near future. (Co-Chairs – Ralph Grunewald & Sandy Wald)
Ad Hoc Committee – Research Enterprise (Fall 2009 – January 2010)
This Committee was established in Fall 2009 to assess whether the present UW-Madison Research Enterprise structure is capable of addressing current and future issues, or whether an alternative organizational structure such as that proposed by the Chancellor and the Provost is needed. The Committee findings were submitted in a white paper and appendix to the Academic Staff Executive Committee and the Chancellor and Provost at the end of December 2009 (Chair – Noel Radomski)
Ad Hoc Committee – Collective Bargaining (Spring 2009 – March 2011)
This committee was charged with ensuring access to objective information on collective bargaining and its potential impact on academic staff. The committee’s work was completed when the legislative actions described below made it unnecessary. (Chair – Russell Dimond)
Legislative Actions
The 2011 Budget Repair Bill repeals the entire 2009 Faculty and Academic Staff Labor Relations Act. Now that it has taken effect, academic staff no longer have the right to bargain collectively or be represented by a union. The academic staff at UW-Madison never chose to exercise this right, so the change has no immediate impact.
Unit Clarification
The 2011-2013 Budget included provisions which prevent Academic Staff from being assigned to Classified Staff bargaining units through unit clarification. The existing petitions were dismissed, and that no unit clarification petitions will be filed for Academic Staff at UW-Madison.
In short, issues related to collective bargaining are unlikely to directly affect academic staff at UW-Madison unless and until major changes occur.