Partners in Teaching, Research, and Service
Academic staff are respected professionals who hold positions in virtually every unit on campus. These positions are either unique to higher education and/or provide direct support for academic programming and/or develop and implement policies at UW-Madison. The academic staff contribute daily to the quality and reputation of a University recognized and respected around the world. The Secretary of the Academic Staff Office prepares an annual Academic Staff Fact Sheet available here.
Upcoming Events
Communications Committee Meeting @ 11:00 am
Mentoring Committee Meeting @ 11:00 am
Get Involved
Shared governance at UW-Madison provides academic staff, university staff, faculty, and students with the opportunity to help make significant decisions concerning the operation of the university through over 40 distinct committees which span a variety of interests.
What is the Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff?
The Secretary of the Academic Staff (SOAS) supports academic staff governance activities and staffs the Academic Staff Executive Committee and the Academic Staff Assembly. The SOAS office administratively supports all aspects of academic staff governance, as well as coordinates programs such as professional development and executive education grants, academic staff excellence awards, and the annual University Roundtable luncheon series. Please contact SOAS with questions about these or the many other programs supported by academic staff governance.