Annually in October, a series of activities ranging from events, email drives, and important announcements to exciting polar plunges are organized. These are all part of the Partners in Giving Campaign, a significant initiative that began in 1973. Over the years, it has raised upwards of $85 million for various charities, a feat made possible by the dedicated efforts of employees from UW Health, the State, and the University of Wisconsin.
While this is a partnership with United Way, the campaign supports 9 other umbrella organizations and 500 charities locally and nationally. The unique part of this campaign is if you decide to pledge, you can pick the charity or multiple charities that you’d like to support. There is a directory of all the organizations that participate. It is important to note that the university does not collect or receive any donations. Unfortunately, it is also true that the employer cannot match any funds because the state budget cannot legally pass through the campaign.
Each organization that is a part of the list has to go through an application process. In the application process, an Eligibility Committee reviews the applications against the charity eligibility criteria and confirmation process. If you are interested in the guidelines or know an organization that would be a great addition to the campaign, please visit their eligibility page. Contact the Eligibility Committee Co-Chairs for more information on how to submit your application.
Whether it is $5, $10, or $20, your donation will go a long way. $5 dollars a month will cover the expense of a teacher providing a lesson on nature-based learning in the classroom. $10 a month assures a meal for underprivileged youth. $20 provides 10 preparation classes for 15 adults who will take the GED in order to gain employment. In other words, no dollar amount is too small.
How to pledge? Log in to an online giving portal and from there you can search a charity or charities you’d like to donate to! If you prefer a paper form, you may print the form or ask your unit chair for a copy. You may also ask for a paper booklet that lists all the charities. There is an option to do a payroll deduction, however, you must submit this request before January 1, 2024. You may continue to give until May 14, 2024.
Whether you decide to pledge $1 for a pizza party or $200 for a specific charity, your pledge does not go unnoticed. There are impact stories to be shared from every charity participating in the campaign! It could be the holiday season, Giving Tuesday, and/or a loved one, but we are all reminded that no matter where/how much you give, we can be a part of something bigger. For remaining questions, please visit or contact your unit chair!