Mentoring Committee

The Mentoring Committee Promotes professional and personal development among academic staff by:

  • Documenting and communicating campus mentoring programs, activities and resources for academic staff.
  • Working with current university resources to provide available mentors for incoming academic staff.
  • Developing and delivering campus presentations and workshops on mentoring.
  • Partnering with campus groups and committees, like CASIs, to develop mentoring opportunities for professions or title series.

To learn more about the Mentor Match Program, visit:


The Mentoring Committee typically meets monthly, on the second Friday of the month from 11:00am – 12:00pm. Meetings are open to the public.

Mentoring Committee Agendas and Minutes


Nine members elected by the Academic Staff Assembly to serve three-year terms. One third are elected each year. Membership is limited to two consecutive full terms. If there are no academic staff willing to serve in the departing member’s place, the member may serve an additional term. Eligibility for election is reinstated one year after a member vacates their seat on the committee. Contact any committee member if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. For more detailed membership information, click here.